Monday 14 January 2013

Done Stan

[Done Stan]

born December 2, 1937, Giurgiu
Education: The Institute of Arts "Nicolae Grigorescu" - graphics department, Bucharest, Professor Vasile Kazar (1965).

Done Stan quickly imposed himself among illustrators, during his studies even being present at the important book illustration fair in Leipzig, where he received a mention for the "Mutter Courage" illustrations,  by Brecht.

Whether it is fiction or  children's book illustration, posters, engraving or theatrical scenery, Done Stan's art has an overwhelming dimension which replace the underlying object itself. An illustrated page from Done Stan is not a simple page of paper, but an imaginary space where wonders can happen all at once, where fantasy merges with  mystery, becoming a poetic ally that unsettles the sight.

Done Stan's illustrative charm is not provided by the compositional elements's asymmetry or their location in a comic gravity, tricks often used in children's book illustrations, but by the very   physiognomy of the characters, which carry the artist to the kingdom of the great illustrators that can show their readers an unforgettable childhood. His characters have smiles, wonder, glances, melancholic expressions and  inexhaustible intentions of candour, as a game that cannot ever  bore.

Like Val Munteanu, Done Stan too had an illustrative assembly period of fairy and folk tales, perhaps an open door to a creative form of expression, reached less by the typical censorship of that era.  Done Stan illustrated numerous volumes of Romanian and foreign authors - Moliere's theatre, «The land of a thousand and one meanders" by Andre Maurois, «Portrait of the bird that doesn't exist» by Claude Aveline (one of the works can be found at Georges Pompidou Center in Paris),  «Pseudo-kynegeticos» by A. I. Odobescu (The Gold Medal for the Most Beautiful Books of the Year, 1971), "The Death of IPU" by Titus Popovici, novels by Dostoevsky and Romain Rolland, songs by Maria Tanase, etc..

He was awarded the Third Prize for graphics of UAP (1966), the Order of Cultural Merit grade V (1968), award for the illustrations of "Tales of Romanians" by the  Editorial Central Bucharest (1985), the prize for graphics of UAP (1989), the Medal "100 years since the birth of Eminescu" (2001), National Award for artistic concept in book  illustration (2003).

With illustrations for children he attended the salons of Bologna, Bratislava and Leipzig, at the latter he was also honoured in 1973. He illustrated the volume "Buchkunst der Gegenwart" by Albert Kapral, for the Fachbuchverlag Publishing House in Leipzig,  in 1979.

Solo exhibitions: 1983 - "Simeza" Gallery, Bucharest 1990 - "Simeza" Gallery, Bucharest 1992 - "Vollard" Gallery, Craiova; Romanian Academy in Rome. During 1964-1991 he was artistic editor and editorial chief  for Tineretului Publishing House,  Ion Creanga Publishing House (he designed the covers for the famous collections "The bag with stories" and "The Library for all children"), Cartea Româneasca Publishing House, Minerva Publishing House, and in recent years he was  artistic editor for  Parallel 45 Publishing House.

 covers made for Paralela 45 Publishing House, "Owl" Collection  (2002-2003)

Gruia lui Novac - Gheorghe Vrabie (Ed. Tineretului)

Märchen - Petre Ispirescu (Berlin : L. Groszer)
(traducere în lb. germană: Lotte Berg)

Prâslea cel voinic şi merele de aur - Petre Ispirescu (Ed. Tineretului)

Der tapfere Prislea und die goldenen Apfel - Petre Ispirescu (Ed. Tineretului)

Poveşti - Fraţii Grimm (Ed. Tineretului)
[cop. color & il. a/n]

Tinereţe fără bătrâneţe şi viaţă fără de moarte - Petre Ispirescu, (Ed. Ion Creangǎ)

Jugend ohne Alter - Petre Ispirescu  (Ion Creangă-Verlag)
(traducere în limba germană: Else Kornis)

Mesék - Petre Ispirescu (Ion Creangă Kiado)
(traducere în lb. maghiară: György Kerekes)

Poveste nepovestită - Ruxandra Berindei (Ed. Albatros)

The prince and the impossible quest - Petre Inspirescu (Publisher: [London] Murrays Sales and Service Co.)
(traducere: Ana Cartianu; Lornie Leete-Hodge)

Povesti despre Pǎcalǎ şi Tîndalǎ - Alexandru Mitru (Ed. Ion Creangǎ)

Cei şapte clovni -Ioana Ricus (Ed. Sport-Turism)
Tara celor o mie si una de mendre - Andre Maurois, Editura Ion Creanga 1976,
traducere Ileana Vulpescu

Uimitoarele călătorii şi aventuri, pe uscat şi pe apă, ale baronului von Münchhausen aşa cum obisnuia şă le povestească el însuşi, la un pahar de vin, prietenilor săi - Gottfried August Bürger; Ion Marin Sadoveanu (Ed. Ion Creangă)

Legendele Olimpului - Alexandru Mitru (Ed. Ion Creangă)

Geschichten von Păcală und Tândală - Alexandru Mitru (Ion Creangǎ Verlag)
(traducere: Hedi Hauser)

Ghicitori - C.A.Munteanu (Ed. Scrisul Românesc)
[cop. & il. color]

Vodă Cuza la Hanul Cucului - George Nestor (Ed. Ion Creangă, Colecţia "Înşir-te mărgărite")
[cop. & il. color]

Morcoveaţă - Jules Renard (Ed. Ion Creangă)

Coiful Fermecat -Irina Teodorescu (Ed. Scrisul Românesc)

Basme - Petre Ispirescu (Ed. Ion Creangă)

Marchen - Petre Ispirescu (Ed. Ion Creangă)

Le vaillant petit dernier et les pommes d'or - Petre Ispirescu (Orange: Grandir Publisher)
(traducere în lb. franceză: Anca Cosăceanu)

O poveste cu pantofi - Ion Lilă (Ed. Ion Creangă; ediţia a II-a 1997, Ed. Miron)
[cop. color & il. monocromie]

Basmele românilor - Sabina-Cornelia Stroescu (Ed. Ion Creangă)

Ridichea uriaşă: dupǎ o poveste popularǎ rusă (Ed. Ion Creangă)
[cop. & il. color]

Dacă iepuraşul n-ar fi adormit - Mircea Pop (Ed. Ion Creangă)

Povestea lui Mihai Voinicu – Mihai Drăgoescu (Ed. Scrisul Românesc)
[cop. & il. color]

Poveşti populare româneşti - Cristea Sandu Timoc (Ed. Minerva)

Un delfin, trei copii şi mai multe peripeţii - George Chirila (Ed. Ion Creangă)

Pe urmele razei de soare - Katia Nanu (Ed. Ion Creangă)
[cop. & il. color]

Castelul de calcar – Eugen Dorcescu (Ed. Ion Creangă)
[cop. & il. color]

Vis cu ochii deschişi - Ioan Vasiu (Ed. Ion Creangă)
[cop. color & il. monocromie]

Gâsca de aur – Fraţii Grimm (Ed Ion Creangă)

Suferinţele tînărului Werther - Johann Wolfgang Goethe (Ed. Excelsior)

Othon arcaşul - Alexandre Dumas (Ed. Levant)
Fridolin - Franz Caspar,  Editura Universal Dalsi
traducere Jean Grosu

Vrăjitorul din Oz - L Frank Baum ( Ed. RAO PENTRU COPII)
(traducere: Ioszefina Baltazar; Camil Baltazar)

Palatul de cleştar - Barbu Şt. Delavrancea (Ed. Ion Creangă)

Darul lui Moş Crăciun - T. O. Bobe (Ed.  Humanitas)

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